A European Team
noyoco is a project that was born between Paris and Bucharest. It is therefore in these two cities that we put down our bags and set up our offices. A European team: a mix of heritage, know-how and ideas that makes sense for a project committed across the continent. It is this melting pot that makes the richness of our project.
Directeur Financier & Back Office
Coordinatrice de Collection
Production & Design Manager / Product Manager
Chef de Produit Maille & Jersey
Logistics & Manufacturing
Logistics & Manufacturing
Directeur Retail
Federation Talents Program
If we are here today, it is also thanks to those who believed in us! And the ready-to-wear federation is one of them. We explain why right after the video.
In 2020, noyoco joined the federation's Talents program.
This program allows young structures like noyoco to benefit from unprecedented support for a year. We had the chance to be coached on a wide variety of missions by experts in their field in order to help us progress. For us there really was a before and an after. So the only thing we want to say to them is: a thousand thanks!
During this year together, a real bond was created, so much so that today we still work with some of our coaches on specific missions.